714.602.9206 info@ocshealth.com

What We Do.

Utilizing our decades of combined experience and Top 250 Amazon.com Selling Account, we turn things around for brands on Amazon expertly and efficiently.

Everything is on Amazon these days.

Gone are the days of viewing Amazon as optional or fearing that listings on Amazon will devalue your premium brand.

Today, if brands aren’t on Amazon, customers will inherently wonder why. Even if they don’t complete a purchase, many consumers still use Amazon to check prices and product reviews.

A large number of consumers today make their final purchase on Amazon, and if your products aren’t available they are likely to buy from your competition.

It’s better to embrace and optimize Amazon than avoid it altogether and risk losing potential business.

Managing a brand on Amazon necessitates a full-time dedicated team of experts; a team that monitors every aspect of your brand to ensure that it exemplifies the care and perfection that every brand aims to achieve and every customer wants to see.

Answering customer service questions quickly and professionally, responding to and offering remedies to critical product reviews, identifying unauthorized sellers, keeping product listings and information current, creating and optimizing product advertisements… All of these things are vitally important yet are often left unaddressed or unanswered.

Using the strategies outlined below, we make Amazon a strength for your brand rather than a weakness.

We take time to listen to your brands pain points and goals to customize our Amazon strategy to ensure alignment with your overall brand strategy.

Amazon Brand Registry

Working closely with your team, we utilize the Amazon Brand Registry to update your listings with fresh images, accurate product information, and quality content. We ensure your listings and customers are protected from unknown and/or unauthorized sellers. We work closely with your team to learn about your mission, core values, and unique product features to ensure we best represent, defend, and grow your brand on Amazon.

Our streamlined process makes enrolling your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry quick and easy. Even if your brand is already enrolled, as a Registered Agent, we can take any or all of the Amazon headache off of your plate.

Advertising & Special Promotions

Our Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands experts will create campaigns to gain new customers and retain existing customers. Customers will be able to find your products more easily and will quickly be educated on any product changes and new launches. We fully cover the costs of these ad campaigns, using funds generated from sales to strategically reinvest profits from your products back into your brand. Since we bear the cost of running these ads, we are incentivized to consistently audit these campaigns to ensure they are performing optimally. We implement a two-pronged strategy, creating campaigns to both defend and grow your brand on Amazon.

We take full advantage of special promotions and deals run by Amazon, including Lightning Deals, Deal of the Day, Coupons, Percentage Off Promotions and Tiered Discount Codes. Additionally, we have the option to get your products featured in front of thousands of potential new customers thanks to our status as a Premium Seller. We are extended invites into exclusive beta programs only offered to a select group of sellers. This allows us to continually offer cutting-edge, exclusive and quality services to our brand partners.

Listing & Brand Optimization

Working within your brand guidelines and Amazon’s policies, we transform your listings into professional, clear, and consistent product detail pages with custom content focused on customer education and satisfaction. We realize that building lasting relationships is what turns people into life-long customers. We prioritize building relationships and providing real value to customers by listening to their needs and solving their problems. We work to build trust by operating with integrity, earning some of the best customer reviews and lowest order return rates on Amazon.

Anti-Product Diversion

We provide insight and strategy to help you manage your wholesale department and/or distributor network, so you know who you are selling products to and are able to effectively communicate your policies. This prevents unwanted product diversion to other websites or international destinations without your knowledge and consent.

Once you sell authentic products to another company, they have many protections under the First Sale Doctrine, so it’s very important to optimize and protect your wholesale and/or distributor network. We have the strategic and legal tools necessary to organize your networks quickly and permanently while following all applicable laws and operating in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

Content Copywriting

Brands are learning now more than ever that content is key. One of our dedicated Brand Managers will work with you to create and optimize content with crystal clear product descriptions, impactful information, conversion-generating keywords, and live links to your other Amazon listings.

Counterfeit Protection And Sales Strategy

We work with your team to ensure all products sold through Amazon are authentic and in compliance with Amazon’s sales policies and best practices. We have access to multiple programs and expert teams at Amazon that guarantee customers have the best possible experience while adhering to Amazon’s policies.

We are also experts in sales, marketing, and pricing strategies that help keep your brand relevant and competitive on Amazon.

A+ Content Creation

A+ Content, previously known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is a feature exclusively offered to Amazon Brand Registered products that allows them to use additional high-quality imagery and formatted text to tell your brand’s story directly on your product listings.

Our team of Amazon, design, and content experts creates custom A+ Content specifically tailored to your existing brand style, with emphasis on in-depth description of product benefits and features, your brand story and ethics as well as live links to your additional product recommendations within your brand.

Product Images

In the crowded marketplace of Amazon, it’s vital that your brand and products look their best. The image requirements on Amazon are extremely specific and constantly changing. In addition, directions can be spread out across multiple pages, sometimes contradicting one another, creating a lot of confusion. Amazon actually has unique style guides for each of its product categories – all of which have subtle differences making image management and optimization a bit overwhelming. We can take your existing product photography, or even just your product labels, and turn them into perfect Amazon-optimized product images.

Customer Service

We take on the role of customer service for your brand, responding to customer questions, and direct messages. This reassures all customers that their feedback matters and your brand is engaged and active in resolving any issues that arise. Building the reputation and consumer trust for your brand are vitally important in converting first impressions into new customers and encouraging loyalty in existing customers.

Packaging And Shipping Solutions

When utilizing Amazon’s fulfillment network it is vital products are packaged with extreme thought and care. If not, customers can receive their products damaged leading to authenticity questions. Our warehouse team expertly packages all products to not only adhere to Amazon’s requirements but to ensure the best possible customer experience. We use creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to solve problems most sellers wouldn’t attempt to navigate. We closely monitor, listen and respond to customer feedback to implement changes that enhance their experience when ordering your products from us.

Tax Services

In the wake of the Wayfair Supreme Court decision, eCommerce businesses are experiencing increased sales tax liabilities and responsibilities. When combined with income tax, filing taxes as an online seller can be daunting. With the help of one of the largest independent accounting and business consulting firms in the United States, Oceanside Brand Management fulfills the sales and income tax obligations of a modern eCommerce business.

Who has time to learn and manage all this?

Now for the best part…

Our Amazon Brand Management service is 100% free.

All we ask for in return is to be your exclusive Amazon partner, so our incentives to grow your brand may align completely with yours. The more your brand grows, the more product we sell, and as your exclusive partner, that means our success and profitability grows with yours.

Instead of 5-15+ sellers doing the bare minimum to sell under your brand, you instead have a single dedicated seller that reinvests profits from sales of your products back into your brand.

Our process has been battle-tested and proven successful across a myriad of brands who have trusted us with their representation on Amazon. We are confident that Brand Management is the future of all brands on Amazon, and we are excited to be leading the way in delivering incredible results for our clients, all while making customers extremely happy.

Let us work with you and leverage Amazon to your benefit!